Why sustainability?
Sustainability is not just a superficial obligation for us, but is deeply rooted in our corporate values. We take our responsibility towards our employees, society and the environment seriously and prioritize long-term success over short-term results.
We focus on sustainable products that not only benefit our customers, but also reflect our social responsibility by conserving resources and ecosystems. We also create a meaningful, safe and healthy working environment, both for us and for our partners.
How do we shape sustainability at GSC?
In a world that urgently needs sustainable change, we as a company not only want to protect the environment, but also assume social responsibility and achieve sustainable economic success.
Our sustainability concept is therefore based on three pillars: PLANET, PEOPLE and PROCESS.
• PLANET: We protect our planet for future generations
• PEOPLE: We create a working environment that focuses on people
• PROCESS: We base our economic success on a sustainable foundation

What do the pillars mean in concrete terms?
All theory is gray - that's why we are putting our plans into practice and have already achieved initial successes and positive changes.
We have significantly reduced the environmental impact of our packaging and are aiming for all product packaging to be 100% recyclable by 2025. Our goal is to reduce CO2 emissions by 30% by 2030. To achieve this, we rely on recycled raw materials and use FSC®-certified wood. We are also committed to developing environmentally friendly products. For example, our precision cutting device for external thermal insulation composite systems, which helps to reduce CO2 emissions by supporting energy-saving measures.
Storch-Ciret respects internationally recognized human rights and is actively committed to upholding them. Our social compliance program obliges our suppliers to comply with the minimum social standards in accordance with the amfori BSCI Code of Conduct. This standard includes, among other things: Prohibition of child and forced labor, prohibition of discrimination, equal opportunities, freedom of association, right to collective bargaining and decent working conditions. Even in regions where national laws are lacking or inadequate, we guarantee the health and safety of employees along the entire supply chain.