Rota, Kana, Masq and Prep – Professional Quality, Four Times Over
The Rota, Kana, Masq and Prep product lines provide professional stockists with high-quality paint rollers (Rota), paintbrushes (Kana), masking tape (Masq) and accessories (Prep). The four ranges of products complement each other in terms of both design and application. Retailers can obtain individual products or the full package, depending on their selling space.
Our support goes far beyond product delivery and includes market and seasonal promotion services, among others. This way, we create the ideal sales conditions for each stockist.
Contact us
Ciret GmbH
Platz der Republik 6-8
D-42107 Wuppertal
Tel.: +49 (0)202 / 49 19 0
Fax.: +49 (0)202 / 49 19 222