We have been awarded!


For the third time, we have been named one of the most family-friendly employers in Germany.

The media brand “Freundin” and the employer rating platform “Kununu” again honoured employers who enable family-friendly working conditions. Offers such as e.g. flexible working hours and the possibility to work in a home/flex office were evaluated. In addition, factors such as working atmosphere, work-life balance and also the behaviour of superiors played an important role in the evaluation.

We will continue to optimise our working conditions in future in order to maintain a family-friendly working environment and would like to take this opportunity to thank all our colleagues who took the time to rate us as an employer on “Kununu”.




Marketing Communications

Cemile Özügül
Storch-Ciret Holding GmbH
Platz der Republik 6
42107 Wuppertal
E-Mail: c.oezueguel@storch-ciret.com