Logistics turns into COVID-Test Centre


To protect all of us from COVID-19 infection, our logistics centre in Berka/Vacha has been used as a test centre since April this year. Our colleagues in logistics have spared no effort and expense to create a safe workplace for us in the current situation and have had six volunteers trained by the German Red Cross (DRK) in the correct use of a "PoC antigen test".

Professional protective clothing and equipment have also been provided and a room has been set up to conduct the tests in compliance with all regulations, such as the one-way rule. In the test centre, our employees can be tested on site.

We are proud of the commitment of our colleagues at the same time being able to take another step towards infection-free logistics and would like to take this opportunity to thank all those involved.



Marketing Communications

Cemile Özügül
Storch-Ciret Holding GmbH
Platz der Republik 6
42107 Wuppertal
E-Mail: c.oezueguel@storch-ciret.com